Organize your Experience !

Try it, it’s free

Our platform is focused on offering creative, artistic and unique experiences. We invite you to take a part, share your passion, your stories, show secrets of your work, present your skills, be a teacher, be involved.

Follow the magical steps:

Create unique and creative experience


You have an idea about your experience, great! All you have to do to start hosting it is to collect good pictures or make a short video about it, prepare short text that describes your experience and what people will do, formulate the price and date, and submit it to the platform. We will give you our feedback and gladly help you with the concept if needed.

Here are some tips: How to create a great experience.


Get promoted


We will promote your experience using Social Networks, Google Ads, Blogs, Magazines, Media and other forms of marketing and sales so you can have fun by hosting your experience. You don’t have any expenses, your job is just to publish your experience and to host it.


Increase your earnings


Once discovered, visitors will start coming to you, and your job is to make them happy. You will earn extra money from sold tickets and get exposure to large number of people.

For Organizers who publish experiences with paid tickets, our Organizer Agreement available here.


Ready to reach interesting people ?

Add your Experience now


Please read details about your contract as Organizer with Pavilion here Organizers Agreement


Still have questions to ask, contact us at